Antiquariatan derStiftskircheBad Waldsee

Walter Herke

Telefon 0 75 24 – 91 54 89

Letzte Aktualisierung: 27.02.2025

Donnerstag kein Versand wegen Fasnachts-Umzug

Swiridoff, Portraits from German Economic Life.

Swiridoff, Portraits from German Economic Life.

Swiridoff, Paul: Portraits from German Economic Life. Preface by Ernst Schneider. (1. Aufl.), Pfullingen, Günther Neske, (1967). 4° (35x26), 218, (2) S., wit 104 full page photo portraits, publisher’s hardbound cloth with jacket, tight and clean, [= Swiridoff Picture Books; 15 : Portaits 2],

[Heidtmann (1989/2) 14662,2].– English edition of ‚Swiridoff, Porträts aus der deutschen Wirtschaft‘

EUR 20,-- 
